I feel great today. First of all, I didn't have to get up at 7:00 for religion class, then I got to skip Chemistry because it was a homework day with the T.A. and I finished my homework the night before. So my only class was at 3:00 PM, and it was movie day. To top it all off, I finally got my beta version of Windows Vista up and running. For those of you who don't spend every minute of your lives on or inside of computers, Vista is the latest version of Windows (after Windows XP) and has many awesome features, including security, a much-needed internet explorer upgrade, an awesome user interface, and is the first operating system ever to take advantage of 64 bit proessors. The full version comes out in a month or so for around $200. I would put up some pictures, but then I'd probably wake up with a sniper shot through my skull by a Microsoft Special Agent. I'll just have to let you imagine the awesomeness.
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