Almost Some More Pictures
Hey, now you can search Google right from my very own site! Now there should be nothing stopping you from making this site your homepage. Just kidding.
I just got back from a cousin party at Aunt Caroline's house, which was very awesome. Now I have a bloody nose, which is not so awesome. I didn't take my camera, otherwise there would be some cool pictures of my cousins and of my sister Shannon and her husband Andrew. Here is the sheet of paper my best photo would be printed on:I have 4 midterms this week, so I'm going to stop writing now. Or maybe not. I have some more interesting information.
Here is my name as a fractal (my name made of little versions of my name made up of smaller versions of my name, etc.). I made a Java program earlier this year that takes equations that define a fractal and draws the picture. Then I figured out the transform equations to make my name into a fractal. The program is fun because I can zoom in or out to infinity, since fractals are cool that way.
Today in history (September 24th):
- 1789 -- The Supreme Court is established
- 1908 -- The first Model T is finished
- 1936 -- Jim Henson is born
- 1961 -- I love Lucy airs its last episode
- 1996 -- Stephen King releases two novels on the same day
- 1890 -- The Mormon church renounces polygamy
- 2006 -- Andy Harris has the worst bloody nose in American history
1 friend(s) love me:
Glad you had fun. I'm sorry that Andrew punched you in the nose as you were leaving. Hold your head back. ;-)
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