Czech it out!

New Stuff (Including Printer Part II)

First of all, Brian sent me this hilarious article from the Onion. After a quick check to make sure it wasn't already on his blog, I'm posting the link below. This is one of my all-time favorites.

Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race Of Skeleton People

The Onion

Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race Of Skeleton People

AL JIZAH, EGYPT—A team of British and Egyptian archaeologists made a stunning discovery Monday, unearthing several intact specimens of "skeleton people"—skinless, organless humans who populated the Nile delta region an estimated 6,000 years ago.

Secondly, I found out I made a grievous error in my last blog entry. I left out the most pivotal set of pictures, which has been reproduced below for your viewing pleasure.

This event simultaneously answered both vital questions: "Is my printer fixed yet?" and--more importantly--"Can my printer coherently reproduce a digital image onto a sheet of standard white letter paper while disassembled?"

Printing with only the bare necessities was so fun to watch that I decided another test was in order. If you look very closely you can see the partially printed image, which came out of the print heads much higher up the black cartridge holder than I expected.

Two pictures of Darth Vader purifying water have successfully been printed, signalling great success for my foolhardy endeavor.

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