My printer stopped working a week or so ago. Because I love opening the cases of all equipment electronic and because college sometimes requires printing ink onto paper, I decided to repair it myself. It turns out I would have to combat the mother of all paper jams to restore my printer to its former health.

My printer in all of its former glory. Notice it's not printing anything. Coincidence...I think not!

Taking apart printers can be

Hmm...No paper jam here...

There's the culprit! A popcorn kernel stuck in the hardest place to reach in the entire printer! How'd that get in there...?

How does this go back together again?
Hehehe...I found the switch that tells the printer whether it's open or closed...Now I have
ultimate power! No more waiting for the printer to be closed before it will print for

Oops...that switch wasn't supposed to break. Better use duct tape. Now the printer is perpetually closed, even if I open the lid.

Almost there printy!

The best part of working with any piece of technology is the leftover screws that magically appear. Home Depot's not getting
my money any time soon.

The printer is up and running.

The universe has been restored to its proper order.
10:05 PM
I will be sane again once finals are over.
11:04 PM
Hi Petunia. How are you doing today? Oh, that's nice. It's not too dry here for you is it? Oh really. That's odd. I love the cold too, as long as there's snow on the ground. Cold is pointless without snow. So how old are you? 2 years old? Well...that's kind of young for me...So how's Provo treating you? What type of plant are you anyway? Oh, a cherry tree. Why is your name Petunia then? Wow! That was an extremely long and interesting story filled with mystery, intrigue, violence, and heroic bravery. You inspire me. Well, it was nice talking to you. I have to go kill a bunch of trees writing my English journal now. Ok, you too. Bye.
11:33 PM